I vikram tamil movie songs
I vikram tamil movie songs

Apparently it is possible to google and create amazing concoctions that do strange things to the body. Apparently, someone getting an electric shock should be hit with an iron wedge. There are fights on Chinese rooftops with cycles, fights in the gym, fights in an old warehouse (exactly why that warehouse is picked by a billionaire business tycoon, I cannot quite fathom) and fights over the top of trains.

I vikram tamil movie songs movie#

He replies, "Something worse"! The planned revenge though isn't easy on the audience' patience as the movie exceeds three hours and still goes on. Will you kill me, one of the antagonists asks. The director is obviously fascinated by everything large and even the revenge is large. To add to that, the movie goes back and forth, a love story and a revenge saga intertwined. Although, nothing should be revealed in the reviews, most common movie goers just about figure out everything which the director torturously, exaggeratedly postpones from revealing till the end. Meanwhile, she attracts the affections of others, who play a defining role in her life in strange ways. I is the tale of a top model Diya(Amy Jackson) who creates a model out of Vikram because her co-model(Upen Patel) has been after her life to have a fling with him. I don't know if a human body can take up so much beating, but a human mind can only take up so much exaggeration, so much hyperbole. At one point, a friend gets up for a coffee in the middle of a fight, brings his coffee(you know how lousily they make coffees at some of our multiplexes), finishes it and the fight just goes on. That is more or less the story of the movie. When you are trying to focus on the acting, the director gives you a flickering light, which doesn't let you soak in the moment. In one particular shot, an ugly Lee or Lingeswarulu(Vikram), once a top model, now disfigured, distorted, sees himself in the mirror and his heart breaks. The movie is about extra work, extra shots, extra frames, extra stunts, extra makeup, extra songs, extra acting,oops no, very little acting, barring Vikram, who for most part was handicapped anyway to display his acting skills. I, the common man, who likes Shankar because he makes awesome movies, now wondering, why someone who made amazing movies such as Gentleman and Enthiran, decided to give this script some life. I, the fan, who saw a trailer, wondering what unearthly story this could be, only to realise it was just the choreographer's over-imagination in a song. Review I & earn 20 DM Points.* Review Submit

I vikram tamil movie songs